About Caminos de Arrias del Sur de Córdoba

Camino de Arrias del Sur de Córdoba, CASC is a non-profit, independent environmental and cultural non-governmental organization. The mission of CASC is the conservation of biodiversity and culture in the Southern Sierras of Córdoba, Argentina.


Since yesterday back in Cordoba!
...with hurting hands and aching muscles...

Three days in Berrotaran with friendly people and a new project! It was fun and exerting.
This week I started a new greenhouse in Berrotaran. We collected a huge load of bottles from the local dump for bottles and it took a long time to cut them and remove the labels.
We digged holes where we put wooden posts, which are the corners of the greenhouse.
Yesterday I lined up the bottles of the first wall and I almost finished the second.

My hands hurt from bending all the wire. But it was nice to see how the greenhouse is getting done step by step!
Next week same game: Theres is still the roof to go.

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